Financial Wellness Center

Aug 26, 2020

What is systematic saving? As its name implies, systematic saving is the process of saving a portion of income on a regular basis. It is important...

Aug 16, 2020

Mortgage refinancing applications surged in the second week of March 2020, jumping by 79% — the largest weekly increase since November 2008. As a...

Aug 05, 2020

The Federal Reserve’s unprecedented efforts to support the U.S economy during the COVID-19 pandemic include a commitment by the Federal Open Market...

Jul 31, 2020

Fraudsters and scam artists have always looked for new ways to prey on consumers. Many are now using their tactics to take advantage of consumers’...

Jun 29, 2020

While visiting an amusement park this summer may not be possible for everyone, the stock market has provided a number of exhilarating rides to make...

Jun 26, 2020

Watch this video to discover ways on how to reduce debt and regain control of your personal finances. Hint: it all starts with a budget. The goal is...

Jun 15, 2020

Activities that people used to take for granted have changed in major ways — like a trip to the grocery store, attending a live concert or sporting...

Jun 04, 2020

Do you have a goal you want to accomplish? Buy a new car? Save for college? If so, you're more likely to be successful if you have a...

May 18, 2020

Spring cleaning doesn’t just mean dusting off those bookshelves in your living room or vacuuming cobwebs off your ceilings. Spring cleaning can also...

Apr 29, 2020

According to the Federal Trade Commission (April 2020), the FTC has received over 20,000 COVID-19 related complaints since January 1, 2020. ...


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