
Schedule a Call

Meet with a Financial Advocate and get your questions answered. Select a topic below to get started.


Before your call, have your retirement account login credentials, recent account statement, or other relevant information ready to discuss with our team.

The SMARTMap Process

Our team is here to be your Financial Advocate and help you take charge of your financial future.
When you work with our team, here’s what to expect:

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Step 1

Choose a topic and
schedule a call with one of
our Financial Advocates

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Step 2

We’ll reach out to you
on the designated day
and time

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Step 3

On the call, we’ll work
with you to get your
questions answered
and provide resources

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Step 4

After your call, you can
follow up with your
Financial Advocate at
any time

More Ways to Get in Touch


M-F 8:30am ET - 8:00pm ET



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Meet Your Financial Advocates

We’re Here to Help

Check out our other resources to learn more about frequently asked questions, the basics of retirement plans, jargon-free definitions of financial terms, and mini-courses on 50+ financial topics.