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Welcome to SMARTMap University

SMARTMap University is an online learning platform designed to help you learn what you need to achieve your financial goals an d make more confident financial decisions. Explore our learning tracks, or dive into individual courses* that cover a range of financial topics. Access our courses and save your progress by creating a login and entering your company name.

Learning Tracks

Series of courses designed to help you achieve specific financial goals and develop key financial skills.

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Individual Courses

Interactive modules that provide in-depth coverage of specific financial topics in 10 minutes or less.

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SMARTMap University

Learning Tracks

Discover our curated learning tracks – playlists of courses focused on specific financial goals and skills, equipping you with the knowledge to make more informed decisions. Save your progress as you go, and pick up where you left off at any time.

SMARTMap Financial Foundations

Learn the basics of personal finance and prioritizing your financial goals.

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Preparing for Retirement

Learn how you should prepare for an eventual retirement.

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Building Financial Resilience

Explore tips for overcoming financial crisis.

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Investing in Your Future

Learn how to be more financially prepared in the years ahead.

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Financing Higher Education

Learn about financing higher education, preparing for graduation, and beginning a career.

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Healthcare Finance

Understand how to manage your finances when dealing with healthcare issues.

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Financial Caregiving

Learn more about the responsibilities of caring for another person’s finances.

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Investor Education

For both beginners and experienced investors, learn about investing, markets, diversification and risk.

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Building Financial Capability

Learn how to manage your money and avoid financial dangers.

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Owning a Home

Explore the benefits and costs of buying and owning a home.

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Personalized Learning Track

Answer a few questions to generate a custom playlist for your financial goals.

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Individual Courses

Looking for something specific? Explore the full library to find a course that's right for you.

Budget Hacks for College
Time Estimate: 4 min

Learn best practices and hacks for how to navigate the student experience on a budget.

Budgeting for Families
Time Estimate: 7 min

Learn more about how you can create budgeting solutions for you and your family.

Building Emergency Savings
Time Estimate: 6 Min

Learn why and how to save for emergency expenses.

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Creating a Budget
Time Estimate: 5 Min

Learn strategies, tips, and tools to stick to your budget and achieve your financial goals.

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Family Conversations about Money
Time Estimate: 7 Min

Learn about topics, strategies, and best practices for having family conversations about money.

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Healthy Financial Habits
Time Estimate: 5 Min

Learn more about how you can develop healthy financial habits needed for financial well-being.

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Mindful Living
Time Estimate: 4 Min

Learn about the fundamentals, benefits, and strategies you can use to practice mindful living.

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Savings Accounts
Time Estimate: 5 Min

Learning how to save money and the options available to you are a major key to financial success.

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Credit Scores and Reports
Time Estimate: 5 min

Why establishing and maintaining strong credit matters so much for your financial health.

Debt Management
Time Estimate: 5 min

Climbing out of debt takes having a plan. Learn how to use your budget to pay off your debt.

Identity Protection
Time Estimate 5 Min

Learn how to protect your identity and personal information.

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Debt Consolidation
Time Estimate: 10 Min

Explore the benefits of debt consolidation and how it can help you pay off your debt.

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Introduction to Healthcare Financing
Time Estimate: 7 Min

Learn how to navigate insurance and the US healthcare system.

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Introduction to Social Media Scams
Time Estimate: 7 Min

Learn about social media scams and how not to fall for scammers.

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Negotiating Your Medical Bill
Time Estimate: 5 Min

Strategies and techniques to use when navigating your medical bill and negotiating payment after undergoing a medical hardship.

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Obtaining Debt Relief for Medical Debt
Time Estimate: 5 min

If you have explored negotiating your medical bill, and your medical debt is overwhelming, you may wish to pursue debt relief options.

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Paying Your Student Loans
Time Estimate: 5 Min

Understand some methods for effectively paying off your loans.

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Preventing Bankruptcy
Time Estimate: 5 Min

Strategies to help Americans deal with unplanned medical debt and avoid filing for bankruptcy.

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Preventing Elder Financial Abuse
Time Estimate: 6 Min

Strategies that may prepare you to prevent elder financial fraud from happening to you or a loved one.

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Reporting Elder Financial Abuse
Time Estimate: 5 Min

Learn what steps to take to report suspected elder financial abuse.

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Understanding Your Student Loans
Time Estimate: 6 Min

Learn about student loans, key terms, and repayment options.

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Becoming a Financial Caregiver
Time Estimate: 6 min

Learn more about becoming a financial caregiver.

Estate Planning
Time Estimate: 6 min

Explore the purpose of estate planning and how it can be used to secure your future.

Expectations of a Financial Caregiver
Time Estimate: 5 min

Learn about the responsibilities of a financial caregiver.

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Financial Decisions for Your Career
Time Estimate: 5 Min

Learn about making career choices that benefit your earning potential.

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Financial Emergency Plans
Time Estimate: 7 Min

Learn how to build a financial emergency plan and discover how to stay financially resilient in times of disaster.

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Managing Finances Through the Loss of a Loved One
Time Estimate: 5 Min

Learn how to manage finances after a loved one has passed.

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Managing Out-of-Pocket Healthcare Costs
Time Estimate: 5 Min

This module will help you find ways to manage your out-of-pocket healthcare costs.

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Paying for College
Time Estimate: 6 Min

Discover smart ways to plan and pay for college.

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Planning for a Financial Caregiver
Time Estimate: 5 Min

Learn about the benefits of planning for financial caregiving and what you need to get started.

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Preparing for a Job Interview
Time Estimate: 5 Min

Learn how to prepare for a job interview and manage stress.

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Preparing for Graduation
Time Estimate: 4 Min

Learn what financial goals to think about as you prepare to graduate.

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Shopping for Insurance
Time Estimate: 4 Min

Learn what to consider and how to avoid bad deals when shopping for insurance.

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Taxes: Lowering Your Tax Bill
Time Estimate: 10 Min

How to save on your taxes when filing your yearly income tax return.

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Taxes: The Basics
Time Estimate: 5 Min

Understand why managing your taxes is so important.

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Generational Wealth Strategies
Time Estimate: 10 Min

Discover strategies to help you build, transfer, and maintain wealth for future generations.

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Wealth Transfer
Time Estimate: 6 Min

Learn more about the ways wealth can be transferred.

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Buying a Home
Time Estimate: 6 min

Learn the process, resources, and strategies to help you buy a home while sticking to a budget.

Considering Homeownership
Time Estimate: 6 min

Understand what you need to consider before buying a home.

Investment Property
Time Estimate: 6 Min

Explore the world of property investment to see if it is right for you.

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Mortgage Relief
Time Estimate: 5 Min

Understand your options, resources, and steps to take to work with your lender for mortgage relief.

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Time Estimate: 5 Min

Learn how to work with a lender you trust and find a mortgage that fits your needs and budget.

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Reverse Mortgages
Time Estimate: 5 Min

Explore the requirements, benefits, and pitfalls of using a reverse mortgage.

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Home Equity Loans and Home Equity Lines of Credit
Time Estimate: 10 Min

Understand what home equity loans and home equity lines of credit are, what the requirements are, the differences between them, and the pros and cons of each.

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401(k) Plans
Time Estimate: 5 min

Learn how to use a 401(k) plan to help you save for future income while getting tax benefits.

529 Plans
Time Estimate: 5 min

Learn about the process, benefits, risks, and tax implications of using a 529 plan to save for college.

Time Estimate: 5 Min

Learn how annuities can help with immediate payouts and retirement savings goals.

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Certificates of Deposit
Time Estimate: 4 Min

Learn how to use Certificates of Deposit (CDs) as a low risk investment in reaching your financial goals.

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FIRE Lifestyle
Time Estimate: 4 Min

Learn how to live a FIRE Lifestyle with financial independence and retire early.

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Getting Started with Investing
Time Estimate: 5 Min

Learn how to make investments and how they can increase your net worth and wealth.

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Health Savings Accounts
Time Estimate: 5 Min

Learn about the eligibility requirements, benefits, risks, and uses of Health Savings Accounts (HSAs).

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Individual Retirement Accounts (IRAs)
Time Estimate: 5 Min

Learn about the features, benefits, and different types of IRAs as tools for retirement savings.

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Introduction to Blockchain, Cryptocurrency, and NFTs
Time Estimate: 7 Min

Learn how blockchain technology is used in crypto mining and trading cryptocurrencies and NFTs—and how it may disrupt other business and government operations.

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Introduction to Compound Growth and the Time Value of Money
Time Estimate: 7 Min

Learn how compound growth and compound interest work and how to calculate the time value of money.

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Introduction to the Stock Market
Time Estimate: 7 Min

Learn how to get started with the stock market.

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Planning for Retirement
Time Estimate: 6 Min

Learn how to start or optimize your approach to retirement savings.

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Sustainable Investing
Time Estimate: 4 Min

Explore how to use sustainable investing to support the causes that are important to you while building a financial portfolio.

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When to Collect Social Security
Time Estimate: 5 Min

Understand how Social Security benefits can affect your retirement planning.

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Retirement Income Strategies
Time Estimate: 10 Min

Explore common and potential income sources in retirement and strategize to take full advantage of them.

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Managing Your 401(k)
Time Estimate: 10 Min

Learn how to actively manage your 401(k) and maximize your savings through contributions, investments, and rebalancing.

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ABLE Accounts for Individuals with Disabilities
Time Estimate: 10 Min

Discover what ABLE accounts are and how individuals with disabilities can benefit from them.

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Understanding Medicare
Time Estimate: 10 Min

Explore the four parts of Medicare and choose the plan best for your situation.

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