Financial Wellness Center


Jun 01, 2023

LGBTQ+ Friendly Investing

Key Takeaways

  • Investing allows you to support companies and causes that share your values, including LGBTQ+ friendly initiatives

  • LGBTQ+ friendly investment funds, like SRI or ESG funds, offer diversification and the opportunity to invest in companies meeting specific requirements

Investing is a powerful tool for building wealth, but that’s not the only benefit. You can also use investing to support companies and initiatives that share your values. Finding opportunities for LGBTQ+ friendly investing is easier than you might think!


Why support LGBTQ+ Friendly Companies

Promoting equality and inclusivity has social and business benefits. Greater social equality ensures justice, fairness, and accessibility for all people. Research also shows that improved diversity and inclusion practices enhance business performance!1

Companies with inclusive policies and better representation of LGBTQ+ people, women, and people of color also show higher-than-average returns, stronger employee retention, and better profits.2

Reputation and brand loyalty are also crucial for businesses. Companies want to make public commitments to causes their stakeholders care about—investing is a great way to get involved.


Researching LGBTQ+ Friendly Company Policies

When looking for companies to support, doing your research means looking beyond the financial fundamentals and Pride Month social media posts. 

Examine critical indicators of sustained positive action. Visit company websites and look at their workplace policies, benefits, and public statements for examples of commitments to inclusion. 

Use the Human Rights Campaign’s Corporate Equality Index search tool to explore a list of companies that have committed to implementing LGBTQ-inclusive policies.3

Diversity and inclusion initiatives can also indicate that a company walks the walk for the LGBTQ+ community. Employee resource groups and supplier diversity programs can show real investment in LGBTQ+ employees and business partners. 

Look for examples of a company’s community engagement, volunteerism, philanthropy, and political engagement. Doing your research will help you make sound investing choices!


Researching LGBTQ+ Friendly Investment Funds

Directly investing in individual companies is one way to make LGBTQ+ friendly investments—but there are also other options to diversify your portfolio.

Socially responsible investing (SRI) and impact investing are increasingly popular ways for individuals to ensure their money aligns with their values. When considering different funds, look for SRI or Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) information. 

Funds with SRI or ESG goals enable you to invest in an extensive collection of companies simultaneously; each company must meet specific requirements. Some companies provide Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs) focusing specifically on LGBTQ+ inclusive companies!

Communicating Your Goals to a Financial Professional

If you work with an advisor for your finances, open communication about your investment goals and values is paramount. Talk to your advisor about your desire to support queer-inclusive companies as part of your investment process. 

Ask your advisor to share research and criteria for evaluating investments. Discuss your advisor’s familiarity with LGBTQ+ friendly investing and what they recommend. Your advisor should help you identify important information and relevant companies, funds, and opportunities.

Making an Impact

Building an LGBTQ+ friendly investment portfolio can help you positively impact the world while pursuing financial growth! Whether you invest in individual companies or look for LGBTQ+ friendly funds, it’s easier than ever to align your investment funds with your values.



Prepared by a third-party. 


1. The University of North Carolina at Pembroke. (2021, October 27). Why diversity and inclusion are good for business. The University of North Carolina at Pembroke Online.  

2. Dixon-Fyle, S., Dolan, K., Hunt, D. V., & Prince, S. (2020, May 19). Diversity wins: How inclusion matters. McKinsey & Company. 

3. The Human Rights Campaign. The 2022 corporate equality index. The Human Rights Campaign. 





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