Financial Wellness Center


May 04, 2021

8 Tips For Managing your Organizations Retirement Plan

Who Are We

A familiar recurring comment we hear from clients and Plan Sponsors is that it is hard to tell financial advisors, like Pensionmark, apart. We all talk about fees, funds and fiduciaries. We all have charts, graphs and reports. It makes it hard to tell a good advisor from a mediocre advisor. While we do all of those inherent things, I am going to spend today discussing what sets Pensionmark apart from other advisors and how we look at things a little differently. These tips and tools we’ve put together for Plan Sponsors, such as yourself are designed to bring clarity to the somewhat confusing retirement plan industry as well as reduce your workload—and who couldn’t use that?

A lot of our differentiators come from our size. We now have over 3,300 plans (both corporate and not for profit) representing over $80B in total plan assets. We are represented in 65 locations across the country with a team of over 300 people. Our  size is an asset as it gives us different demographics, experience, and overall knowledge to better help our clients. We want to assist plan sponsors in achieving better retirement outcomes, navigate change and having a successful plan.




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